we combine medicine, science
and business to create innovation



This is a platform for medtech startups, to exchange knowledge, experience, and contacts between the world of science, medicine, business, new technologies, and inventions in Digital Health Solutions and medical devices.

MEDmeetsTECH is a cycle of interdisciplinary events that gather doctors, scientists, entrepreneurs and startupers. It is a unique place where you can find know how and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs how to develop your business.



  • Find out how digital health innovations can improve healthcare and support you and your patients
  • Join clinicians who are co-creating the future of medicine and participate in inventing new digital health solutions
  • Find out the needs of the healthcare system and get inspired to work together with MedTech and BioTech Startups to improve healthcare outcomes
  • Verify your ideas with clinicians, patients, healthcare system and investors’ needs
  • Reach out to your clients and end-users
  • Find out how to commercialize your ideas, products and services
  • Meet investors and business partners
  • Find the most promising startups and science projects
  • Reach a client or business partner in the global market
  • Get to know the trends and directions of digital health development
  • Find the most interesting and promising MedTech and BioTech startups
  • Find out about business opportunities within the international digital health market
  • Make contacts with business partners in local markets


Malgorzata Chynowska
Head Manager of Certification of Medical Products TUV Nord
MEDmeetsTECH Conference is a unique event in the industry of modern medical technologies. It successfully combines the transfer of knowledge and inspirational ideas as well as creates a platform for exchanging opinions and making business relations. I really appreciate the feeling of openness during this event. The opportunity to speak with a wide group of experts and innovators is always a very enriching experience. This event has a huge impact on developing the polish innovation branch in medical field.
Marcin Brysiak
Founder, CEO addictions.ai
The first the most important conference where I presented the idea of addictions.ai was MEDmeetsTECH 5th addition. Why did I want to present myself at this event? Medical Conference. Very good quality. Spectacular range of topics and people, who represent business, science and local government authorities. Interestingly enough I had to put a lot of effort to make the organizers accept my application. Fortunately I did not waste their credit of trust. It was a first conference where with a huge feeling of doubt I presented myself as one of last startupers. It was a first conference where I told about my illness, and ensure myself that I was going in a good direction with my ideas. I am still in touch with companies certifying medical products and conducting clinical trials, etc. MEDmeetsTECH, thank you for your trust and this 15 minutes in front of the microphone – good job
dr n. med. Bartosz Kudlinski
doctor, anesthesiologist
MEDmeetsTECH is a platform for exchanging thoughts, opinions and points of view for people representing worlds of medicine, informatics technologies, business, law, technology, basic science from all over the world. It is a convention of inventors, innovators, visionaries, believers and sceptics all gathered in the name of creativity and innovation. It is a unique place to meet people who seek knowledge, ask questions, offer answers and propose solutions. It is an exchange of opinions of mentors and adepts who try to find their way into business and make their first moves into the world of telemedicine and medicine of new technologies. Criticizing comments, sharp ripostes, fierce arguments on the forum and in the backstage are of greatest value. During MEDmeetsTECH conference no one is afraid to tell the truth, criticise, approve or express admiration. The truth will defend itself.
Tomasz Czaplinski
SpeedUp Group
MEDmeetsTECH is one of the most interesting events in Poland, dedicated to medtech area. Each edition of the MEDmeetsTECH is an opportunity for many interesting domestic and foreign guests to meet and give their passionate speeches. It is a very tempting event for people involved with medicine world. For me, as an investor, the conference is an ideal place to create prolific relations with companies, which set new technological trends and a chance to meet people who are engaged in creating own innovations in this field.
Anna Szymczak
Chief Executive Officer Telemedycyna Polska S.A.
This conference gives the most important news from the telemedical field in a nutshell. Limited number of participants helps to maintain a high quality of the event and provides with the unique opportunity for valuable exchange of opinions. It is a very interesting initiative for people who start their adventure with telemedicine.
dr n. med. Lukasz Koltowski
doctor, CEO Founding Partner Myspiroo, startup founder, author of the blog www.koltowski.com
The best innovations are created at the junction of many worlds, during the meetings, discussions and inspiring storytelling. For that reason such events come to life and make many great things possible.
Julia Kosela
CEO Proper Medical Writing
MEDmeetsTECH gather people passionate about innovations and the will to changing the world. People who are professionals and are open to seek challenges. There are not many events like this, where in a pleasant atmosphere you can meet valuable business partners, while deriving pleasure from sharing your own knowledge with others.
Danuta Rolinger-Bednarska
Owner of the Rolinger PR agency
MEDmeetsTECH is an event, which successfully combines the medicine, technology and business. Substantive lectures, interesting and inspiring guests and outstanding organisation makes this event the only one, that I participate in, on regular basis. Additional advantage is that MEDmeetsTECH is held in very convenient atmosphere of networking, exchange of knowledge and sharing the experience. It is obligatory for all those who want to create, implement and support the development of innovative solution in medicine.
Aleksandra Grajkowska-Marzewska
Senior Product Manager Sanofi-Pasteur
MEDmeetsTECH is a chance to broaden your horizons, to open up to modern solutions, that are present in the lives of our clients and patients, to go out into the future. It is an interesting, inspiring event that can help planning innovative marketing strategies.
Rafal Samborski
CEO consonance.tech
Until MEDmeetsTECH, Poland was lacking in this type of event. Unique place where representatives of medicine, technology and business could meet.


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Over the last 5 years MEDmeetsTECH events have become a recognizable platform for presenting innovative Startups.

REPORT: Medtech startups in Poland

Medical startups create a distinguished group that we tried to thoroughly describe in the report stated below, that was developed with help of Atena Research & Consulting. Category is wide as we invited startups dealing with medicine, sports, healthy living style and nutrition to share their opinions with us.

The report describes over 60 startups and includes experts’ opinions that may have a great influence on medtech in Poland. The comments are crucial when considering the branch (industry), its specifics and numerous legal regulations.

Taking under consideration the large number of startups operating in Poland in this field of business we strongly believe that we create a reliable picture of these types of businesses.

Studying startups we focused mainly on defining their profiles, picturing their founders and describing their recent cooperation with major players in the market – representatives of medical industries, government institutions and large pharmaceutical companies.


The document stated below is the first one that describes the medical startups in Poland such thoroughly.


The partner of the report is also SpeedUp Group.

We hope that this report will help you understand the specifics of these types of young businesses


Ministerstwo Rozwoju
UK in Poland
Ambasada Japonii
Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu
Sieć Otwartych Innowacju
Fundacja Instytutu Kardiologii
Fundacja im. L. Pagi
Stowarzyszenie TOP 500
Polska Innowacyjna
StartHub Poland
Grupa Adamed
TUV Nord
Credit Agricole
Arena Tax
Centrum Innowacji i Transferu Technologii
Sosnowiecki Park Naukowo-Technologiczny
Wolves Summit


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